@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ doHorizDefFilter Ec Ec Ec
deRing E e e *
Vertical RKAlgo1 E a a
Horizontal RKAlgo1 a a
Vertical X1 a E E
Horizontal X1 a E E
Vertical X1 # a E E
Horizontal X1 # a E E
LinIpolDeinterlace e E E *
CubicIpolDeinterlace a e e *
LinBlendDeinterlace e E E *
MedianDeinterlace Ec Ec
MedianDeinterlace # Ec Ec
TempDeNoiser # a
* i dont have a 3 dnow CPU - > its untested
* i dont have a 3 dnow CPU - > its untested , but noone said it doesnt work so it seems to work
# more or less selfinvented filters so the exactness isnt too meaningfull
E = Exact implementation
e = allmost exact implementation ( slightly different rounding , . . . )
a = alternative / approximate impl
@ -48,21 +49,18 @@ c = checked against the other implementations (-vo md5)
verify that everything workes as it should ( how ? )
reduce the time wasted on the mem transfer
implement dering
implement everything in C at least ( done at the moment but . . . )
unroll stuff if instructions depend too much on the prior one
we use 8 x8 blocks for the horizontal filters , opendivx seems to use 8 x4 ?
move YScale thing to the end instead of fixing QP
write a faster and higher quality deblocking filter : )
do something about the speed of the horizontal filters
make the mainloop more flexible ( variable number of blocks at once
( the if / else stuff per block is slowing things down )
compare the quality & speed of all filters
split this huge file
fix warnings ( unused vars , . . . )
noise reduction filters
border remover
optimize c versions
try to unroll inner for ( x = 0 . . . loop to avoid these damn if ( x . . . checks
. . .
Notes :
@ -182,15 +180,16 @@ static struct PPFilter filters[]=
{ " li " , " linipoldeint " , 0 , 1 , 6 , LINEAR_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER } ,
{ " ci " , " cubicipoldeint " , 0 , 1 , 6 , CUBIC_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER } ,
{ " md " , " mediandeint " , 0 , 1 , 6 , MEDIAN_DEINT_FILTER } ,
{ " tn " , " tmpnoise " , 1 , 7 , 8 , TEMP_NOISE_FILTER } ,
{ NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } //End Marker
} ;
static char * replaceTable [ ] =
" default " , " hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels " ,
" de " , " hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels " ,
" fast " , " x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels " ,
" fa " , " x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels " ,
" default " , " hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400 " ,
" de " , " hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400 " ,
" fast " , " x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400 " ,
" fa " , " x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400 " ,
NULL //End Marker
} ;
@ -2594,13 +2593,104 @@ static inline void transpose2(uint8_t *dst, int dstStride, uint8_t *src)
# endif
static void inline tempNoiseReducer ( uint8_t * src , int stride ,
uint8_t * tempBlured , int * maxNoise )
int y ;
int d = 0 ;
int sysd = 0 ;
for ( y = 0 ; y < 8 ; y + + )
int x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x + + )
int ref = tempBlured [ x + y * stride ] ;
int cur = src [ x + y * stride ] ;
int d1 = ref - cur ;
d + = ABS ( d1 ) ; //d1*d1;
sysd + = d1 ;
//printf("%d %d %d\n", maxNoise[0], maxNoise[1], maxNoise[2]);
Switch between
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 )
64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ( 1 )
64 48 36 27 20 15 11 ( 33 ) ( approx )
64 56 49 43 37 33 29 ( 200 ) ( approx )
if ( d > maxNoise [ 1 ] )
if ( d < maxNoise [ 2 ] )
for ( y = 0 ; y < 8 ; y + + )
int x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x + + )
int ref = tempBlured [ x + y * stride ] ;
int cur = src [ x + y * stride ] ;
tempBlured [ x + y * stride ] =
src [ x + y * stride ] =
( ref + cur + 1 ) > > 1 ;
for ( y = 0 ; y < 8 ; y + + )
int x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x + + )
tempBlured [ x + y * stride ] = src [ x + y * stride ] ;
if ( d < maxNoise [ 0 ] )
for ( y = 0 ; y < 8 ; y + + )
int x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x + + )
int ref = tempBlured [ x + y * stride ] ;
int cur = src [ x + y * stride ] ;
tempBlured [ x + y * stride ] =
src [ x + y * stride ] =
( ref * 7 + cur + 4 ) > > 3 ;
for ( y = 0 ; y < 8 ; y + + )
int x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x + + )
int ref = tempBlured [ x + y * stride ] ;
int cur = src [ x + y * stride ] ;
tempBlured [ x + y * stride ] =
src [ x + y * stride ] =
( ref * 3 + cur + 2 ) > > 2 ;
# include "../opendivx/postprocess.h"
int use_old_pp = 0 ;
# endif
static void postProcess ( uint8_t src [ ] , int srcStride , uint8_t dst [ ] , int dstStride , int width , int height ,
QP_STORE_T QPs [ ] , int QPStride , int isColor , int mode ) ;
QP_STORE_T QPs [ ] , int QPStride , int isColor , struct PPMode * ppM ode) ;
/* -pp Command line Help
NOTE / FIXME : put this at an appropriate place ( - - help , html docs , man mplayer ) ?
@ -2611,6 +2701,8 @@ long form example:
- pp vdeblock : autoq , hdeblock : autoq , linblenddeint - pp default , - vdeblock
short form example :
- pp vb : a , hb : a , lb - pp de , - vb
more examples :
- pp tn : 64 : 128 : 256
Filters Options
short long name short long option Description
@ -2631,6 +2723,7 @@ ci cubicipoldeint cubic interpolating deinterlacer
md mediandeint median deinterlacer
de default hdeblock : a , vdeblock : a , dering : a , autolevels
fa fast x1hdeblock : a , x1vdeblock : a , dering : a , autolevels
tn tmpnoise ( 3 Thresholds ) Temporal Noise Reducer
@ -2644,14 +2737,16 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
char * p = temp ;
char * filterDelimiters = " , " ;
char * optionDelimiters = " : " ;
struct PPMode ppMode = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
struct PPMode ppMode = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , { 150 , 200 , 400 } } ;
char * filterToken ;
strncpy ( temp , name , GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
printf ( " %s \n " , name ) ;
for ( ; ; ) {
char * filterName ;
int q = 1000000 ; //GET_PP_QUALITY_MAX;
int chrom = - 1 ;
char * option ;
char * options [ OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE ] ;
@ -2662,7 +2757,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
filterToken = strtok ( p , filterDelimiters ) ;
if ( filterToken = = NULL ) break ;
p + = strlen ( filterToken ) + 1 ;
p + = strlen ( filterToken ) + 1 ; // p points to next filterToken
filterName = strtok ( filterToken , optionDelimiters ) ;
printf ( " %s::%s \n " , filterToken , filterName ) ;
@ -2671,6 +2766,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
enable = 0 ;
filterName + + ;
for ( ; ; ) { //for all options
option = strtok ( NULL , optionDelimiters ) ;
if ( option = = NULL ) break ;
@ -2683,10 +2779,10 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
options [ numOfUnknownOptions ] = option ;
numOfUnknownOptions + + ;
options [ numOfUnknownOptions ] = NULL ;
if ( numOfUnknownOptions > = OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE - 1 ) break ;
options [ numOfUnknownOptions ] = NULL ;
/* replace stuff from the replace Table */
for ( i = 0 ; replaceTable [ 2 * i ] ! = NULL ; i + + )
@ -2715,6 +2811,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
for ( i = 0 ; filters [ i ] . shortName ! = NULL ; i + + )
// printf("Compareing %s, %s, %s\n", filters[i].shortName,filters[i].longName, filterName);
if ( ! strcmp ( filters [ i ] . longName , filterName )
| | ! strcmp ( filters [ i ] . shortName , filterName ) )
@ -2744,6 +2841,27 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
numOfUnknownOptions - - ;
else if ( filters [ i ] . mask = = TEMP_NOISE_FILTER )
int o ;
int numOfNoises = 0 ;
ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 0 ] = 150 ;
ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 1 ] = 200 ;
ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 2 ] = 400 ;
for ( o = 0 ; options [ o ] ! = NULL ; o + + )
char * tail ;
ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ numOfNoises ] =
strtol ( options [ o ] , & tail , 0 ) ;
if ( tail ! = options [ o ] )
numOfNoises + + ;
numOfUnknownOptions - - ;
if ( numOfNoises > = 3 ) break ;
if ( ! filterNameOk ) ppMode . error + + ;
@ -2763,7 +2881,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
* . . .
* Obsolete , dont use it , use postprocess2 ( ) instead
void postprocess ( unsigned char * src [ ] , int src_stride ,
unsigned char * dst [ ] , int dst_stride ,
@ -2771,25 +2889,35 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
QP_STORE_T * QP_store , int QP_stride ,
int mode )
struct PPMode ppMode ;
static QP_STORE_T zeroArray [ 2048 / 8 ] ;
static int qual = 0 ;
struct PPMode ppMode = getPPModeByNameAndQuality ( " fast,default,-hdeblock,-vdeblock " , qual ) ;
ppMode = getPPModeByNameAndQuality ( " fast,default,-hdeblock,-vdeblock,tmpnoise:150:200:300 " , qual ) ;
printf ( " OK \n " ) ;
qual + + ;
qual % = 7 ;
printf ( " \n %d %d %d %d \n " , ppMode . lumMode , ppMode . chromMode , ppMode . oldMode , ppMode . error ) ;
printf ( " \n %X %X %X %X :%d: %d %d %d \n " , ppMode . lumMode , ppMode . chromMode , ppMode . oldMode , ppMode . error ,
qual , ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 0 ] , ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 1 ] , ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 2 ] ) ;
postprocess2 ( src , src_stride , dst , dst_stride ,
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , & ppMode ) ;
return ;
static QP_STORE_T zeroArray [ 2048 / 8 ] ;
if ( QP_store = = NULL )
QP_store = zeroArray ;
QP_stride = 0 ;
ppMode . lumMode = mode ;
mode = ( ( mode & 0xFF ) > > 4 ) | ( mode & 0xFFFFFF00 ) ;
ppMode . chromMode = mode ;
ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 0 ] = 150 ;
ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 1 ] = 200 ;
ppMode . maxTmpNoise [ 2 ] = 400 ;
// Note: I could make this shit outside of this file, but it would mean one
// more function call...
@ -2800,27 +2928,28 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
# endif
postProcess ( src [ 0 ] , src_stride , dst [ 0 ] , dst_stride ,
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 0 , m ode) ;
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 0 , & ppM ode) ;
horizontal_size > > = 1 ;
vertical_size > > = 1 ;
src_stride > > = 1 ;
dst_stride > > = 1 ;
mode = ( ( mode & 0xFF ) > > 4 ) | ( mode & 0xFFFFFF00 ) ;
if ( 1 )
postProcess ( src [ 1 ] , src_stride , dst [ 1 ] , dst_stride ,
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 1 , m ode) ;
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 1 , & ppM ode) ;
postProcess ( src [ 2 ] , src_stride , dst [ 2 ] , dst_stride ,
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 2 , m ode) ;
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 2 , & ppM ode) ;
memcpy ( dst [ 1 ] , src [ 1 ] , src_stride * horizontal_size ) ;
memcpy ( dst [ 2 ] , src [ 2 ] , src_stride * horizontal_size ) ;
memset ( dst [ 1 ] , 128 , dst_stride * vertical_size ) ;
memset ( dst [ 2 ] , 128 , dst_stride * vertical_size ) ;
// memcpy(dst[1], src[1], src_stride*horizontal_size);
// memcpy(dst[2], src[2], src_stride*horizontal_size);
@ -2849,7 +2978,7 @@ void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
# endif
postProcess ( src [ 0 ] , src_stride , dst [ 0 ] , dst_stride ,
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 0 , mode - > lumMode ) ;
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 0 , mode ) ;
horizontal_size > > = 1 ;
vertical_size > > = 1 ;
@ -2857,9 +2986,9 @@ void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
dst_stride > > = 1 ;
postProcess ( src [ 1 ] , src_stride , dst [ 1 ] , dst_stride ,
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 1 , mode - > chromMode ) ;
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 1 , mode ) ;
postProcess ( src [ 2 ] , src_stride , dst [ 2 ] , dst_stride ,
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 2 , mode - > chromMode ) ;
horizontal_size , vertical_size , QP_store , QP_stride , 2 , mode ) ;
@ -3023,9 +3152,11 @@ SIMPLE_CPY
* Filters array of bytes ( Y or U or V values )
static void postProcess ( uint8_t src [ ] , int srcStride , uint8_t dst [ ] , int dstStride , int width , int height ,
QP_STORE_T QPs [ ] , int QPStride , int isColor , int m ode)
QP_STORE_T QPs [ ] , int QPStride , int isColor , struct PPMode * ppM ode)
int x , y ;
const int mode = isColor ? ppMode - > chromMode : ppMode - > lumMode ;
/* we need 64bit here otherwise we´ll going to have a problem
after watching a black picture for 5 hours */
static uint64_t * yHistogram = NULL ;
@ -3040,6 +3171,9 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
static uint8_t * tempDstBlock = NULL ;
static uint8_t * tempSrcBlock = NULL ;
/* Temporal noise reducing buffers */
static uint8_t * tempBlured [ 3 ] = { NULL , NULL , NULL } ;
uint8_t * dstBlockPtrBackup ;
uint8_t * srcBlockPtrBackup ;
@ -3062,6 +3196,16 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
tempSrcBlock = ( uint8_t * ) memalign ( 8 , 1024 * 24 ) ;
if ( tempBlured [ isColor ] = = NULL & & ( mode & TEMP_NOISE_FILTER ) )
// printf("%d %d %d\n", isColor, dstStride, height);
//FIXME works only as long as the size doesnt increase
//Note:the +17*1024 is just there so i dont have to worry about r/w over te end
tempBlured [ isColor ] = ( uint8_t * ) memalign ( 8 , dstStride * ( ( height + 7 ) & ( ~ 7 ) ) + 17 * 1024 ) ;
memset ( tempBlured [ isColor ] , 0 , dstStride * ( ( height + 7 ) & ( ~ 7 ) ) + 17 * 1024 ) ;
if ( ! yHistogram )
int i ;
@ -3219,26 +3363,28 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
uint8_t * tempBlock1 = tempBlocks ;
uint8_t * tempBlock2 = tempBlocks + 8 ;
# endif
int QP = 0 ;
/* can we mess with a 8x16 block from srcBlock/dstBlock downwards and 1 line upwards
if not than use a temporary buffer */
if ( y + 15 > = height )
int i ;
/* copy from line 8 to 15 of src, these will be copied with
blockcopy to dst later */
memcpy ( tempSrc + srcStride * 8 , srcBlock + srcStride * 8 ,
srcStride * MAX ( height - y - 8 , 0 ) ) ;
/* duplicate last line to fill the void upto line 15 */
if ( y + 15 > = height )
int i ;
for ( i = height - y ; i < = 15 ; i + + )
memcpy ( tempSrc + srcStride * i ,
src + srcStride * ( height - 1 ) , srcStride ) ;
/* duplicate last line of src to fill the void upto line 15 */
for ( i = MAX ( height - y , 8 ) ; i < = 15 ; i + + )
memcpy ( tempSrc + srcStride * i , src + srcStride * ( height - 1 ) , srcStride ) ;
/* copy up to 9 lines of dst */
/* copy up to 9 lines of dst (line -1 to 7)*/
memcpy ( tempDst , dstBlock - dstStride , dstStride * MIN ( height - y + 1 , 9 ) ) ;
/* duplicate last line of dst to fill the void upto line 8 */
for ( i = height - y + 1 ; i < = 8 ; i + + )
memcpy ( tempDst + dstStride * i , dst + dstStride * ( height - 1 ) , dstStride ) ;
dstBlock = tempDst + dstStride ;
srcBlock = tempSrc ;
@ -3251,7 +3397,7 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
const int stride = dstStride ;
uint8_t * tmpXchg ;
# ifdef ARCH_X86
int QP = * QPptr ;
QP = * QPptr ;
asm volatile (
" addl %2, %1 \n \t "
" sbbl %%eax, %%eax \n \t "
@ -3262,7 +3408,7 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
: " %eax "
) ;
# else
int QP = isColor ?
QP = isColor ?
QPs [ ( y > > 3 ) * QPStride + ( x > > 3 ) ] :
QPs [ ( y > > 4 ) * QPStride + ( x > > 4 ) ] ;
# endif
@ -3442,13 +3588,14 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
//FIXME filter first line
if ( y > 0 ) dering ( dstBlock - stride - 8 , stride , QP ) ;
else if ( mode & DERING )
//FIXME y+15 is required cuz of the tempBuffer thing -> bottom right block isnt filtered
if ( y > 8 & & y + 15 < height ) dering ( dstBlock - stride * 9 + width - 8 , stride , QP ) ;
if ( mode & TEMP_NOISE_FILTER )
tempNoiseReducer ( dstBlock - 8 , stride ,
tempBlured [ isColor ] + y * dstStride + x ,
ppMode - > maxTmpNoise ) ;
/* did we use a tmp-block buffer */
@ -3475,6 +3622,18 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
# endif
if ( mode & DERING )
if ( y > 0 ) dering ( dstBlock - dstStride - 8 , dstStride , QP ) ;
if ( ( mode & TEMP_NOISE_FILTER ) )
tempNoiseReducer ( dstBlock - 8 , dstStride ,
tempBlured [ isColor ] + y * dstStride + x ,
ppMode - > maxTmpNoise ) ;
/* did we use a tmp buffer for the last lines*/
if ( y + 15 > = height )