* Copyright (C) 2022 Loongson Technology Corporation Limited
* Contributed by Hao Chen(chenhao@loongson.cn)
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "swscale_loongarch.h"
#include "libavutil/loongarch/loongson_intrinsics.h"
void planar_rgb_to_uv_lasx(uint8_t *_dstU, uint8_t *_dstV, const uint8_t *src[4],
int width, int32_t *rgb2yuv, void *opq)
int i;
uint16_t *dstU = (uint16_t *)_dstU;
uint16_t *dstV = (uint16_t *)_dstV;
int set = 0x4001 << (RGB2YUV_SHIFT - 7);
int len = width - 15;
int32_t tem_ru = rgb2yuv[RU_IDX], tem_gu = rgb2yuv[GU_IDX];
int32_t tem_bu = rgb2yuv[BU_IDX], tem_rv = rgb2yuv[RV_IDX];
int32_t tem_gv = rgb2yuv[GV_IDX], tem_bv = rgb2yuv[BV_IDX];
int shift = RGB2YUV_SHIFT - 6;
const uint8_t *src0 = src[0], *src1 = src[1], *src2 = src[2];
__m256i ru, gu, bu, rv, gv, bv;
__m256i mask = {0x0D0C090805040100, 0x1D1C191815141110,
0x0D0C090805040100, 0x1D1C191815141110};
__m256i temp = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(set);
__m256i sra = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(shift);
ru = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_ru);
gu = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_gu);
bu = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_bu);
rv = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_rv);
gv = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_gv);
bv = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_bv);
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 16) {
__m256i _g, _b, _r;
__m256i g_l, g_h, b_l, b_h, r_l, r_h;
__m256i v_l, v_h, u_l, u_h, u_lh, v_lh;
_g = __lasx_xvldx(src0, i);
_b = __lasx_xvldx(src1, i);
_r = __lasx_xvldx(src2, i);
g_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_g);
b_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_b);
r_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_r);
_g = __lasx_xvpermi_d(_g, 0x01);
_b = __lasx_xvpermi_d(_b, 0x01);
_r = __lasx_xvpermi_d(_r, 0x01);
g_h = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_g);
b_h = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_b);
r_h = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_r);
u_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, ru, r_l);
u_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, ru, r_h);
v_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, rv, r_l);
v_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, rv, r_h);
u_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(u_l, gu, g_l);
u_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(u_l, bu, b_l);
u_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(u_h, gu, g_h);
u_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(u_h, bu, b_h);
v_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(v_l, gv, g_l);
v_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(v_l, bv, b_l);
v_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(v_h, gv, g_h);
v_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(v_h, bv, b_h);
u_l = __lasx_xvsra_w(u_l, sra);
u_h = __lasx_xvsra_w(u_h, sra);
v_l = __lasx_xvsra_w(v_l, sra);
v_h = __lasx_xvsra_w(v_h, sra);
u_lh = __lasx_xvshuf_b(u_h, u_l, mask);
v_lh = __lasx_xvshuf_b(v_h, v_l, mask);
u_lh = __lasx_xvpermi_d(u_lh, 0xD8);
v_lh = __lasx_xvpermi_d(v_lh, 0xD8);
__lasx_xvst(u_lh, (dstU + i), 0);
__lasx_xvst(v_lh, (dstV + i), 0);
if (width - i >= 8) {
__m256i _g, _b, _r;
__m256i g_l, b_l, r_l;
__m256i v_l, u_l, u, v;
_g = __lasx_xvldrepl_d((src0 + i), 0);
_b = __lasx_xvldrepl_d((src1 + i), 0);
_r = __lasx_xvldrepl_d((src2 + i), 0);
g_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_g);
b_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_b);
r_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_r);
u_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, ru, r_l);
v_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, rv, r_l);
u_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(u_l, gu, g_l);
u_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(u_l, bu, b_l);
v_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(v_l, gv, g_l);
v_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(v_l, bv, b_l);
u_l = __lasx_xvsra_w(u_l, sra);
v_l = __lasx_xvsra_w(v_l, sra);
u = __lasx_xvshuf_b(u_l, u_l, mask);
v = __lasx_xvshuf_b(v_l, v_l, mask);
__lasx_xvstelm_d(u, (dstU + i), 0, 0);
__lasx_xvstelm_d(u, (dstU + i), 8, 2);
__lasx_xvstelm_d(v, (dstV + i), 0, 0);
__lasx_xvstelm_d(v, (dstV + i), 8, 2);
i += 8;
for (; i < width; i++) {
int g = src[0][i];
int b = src[1][i];
int r = src[2][i];
dstU[i] = (tem_ru * r + tem_gu * g + tem_bu * b + set) >> shift;
dstV[i] = (tem_rv * r + tem_gv * g + tem_bv * b + set) >> shift;
void planar_rgb_to_y_lasx(uint8_t *_dst, const uint8_t *src[4], int width,
int32_t *rgb2yuv, void *opq)
int i;
int shift = (RGB2YUV_SHIFT - 6);
int set = 0x801 << (RGB2YUV_SHIFT - 7);
int len = width - 15;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)_dst;
int32_t tem_ry = rgb2yuv[RY_IDX], tem_gy = rgb2yuv[GY_IDX];
int32_t tem_by = rgb2yuv[BY_IDX];
const uint8_t *src0 = src[0], *src1 = src[1], *src2 = src[2];
__m256i mask = {0x0D0C090805040100, 0x1D1C191815141110,
0x0D0C090805040100, 0x1D1C191815141110};
__m256i temp = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(set);
__m256i sra = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(shift);
__m256i ry = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_ry);
__m256i gy = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_gy);
__m256i by = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(tem_by);
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 16) {
__m256i _g, _b, _r;
__m256i g_l, g_h, b_l, b_h, r_l, r_h;
__m256i y_l, y_h, y_lh;
_g = __lasx_xvldx(src0, i);
_b = __lasx_xvldx(src1, i);
_r = __lasx_xvldx(src2, i);
g_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_g);
b_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_b);
r_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_r);
_g = __lasx_xvpermi_d(_g, 0x01);
_b = __lasx_xvpermi_d(_b, 0x01);
_r = __lasx_xvpermi_d(_r, 0x01);
g_h = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_g);
b_h = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_b);
r_h = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_r);
y_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, ry, r_l);
y_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, ry, r_h);
y_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(y_l, gy, g_l);
y_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(y_l, by, b_l);
y_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(y_h, gy, g_h);
y_h = __lasx_xvmadd_w(y_h, by, b_h);
y_l = __lasx_xvsra_w(y_l, sra);
y_h = __lasx_xvsra_w(y_h, sra);
y_lh = __lasx_xvshuf_b(y_h, y_l, mask);
y_lh = __lasx_xvpermi_d(y_lh, 0xD8);
__lasx_xvst(y_lh, (dst + i), 0);
if (width - i >= 8) {
__m256i _g, _b, _r;
__m256i g_l, b_l, r_l;
__m256i y_l, y;
_g = __lasx_xvldrepl_d((src0 + i), 0);
_b = __lasx_xvldrepl_d((src1 + i), 0);
_r = __lasx_xvldrepl_d((src2 + i), 0);
g_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_g);
b_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_b);
r_l = __lasx_vext2xv_wu_bu(_r);
y_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(temp, ry, r_l);
y_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(y_l, gy, g_l);
y_l = __lasx_xvmadd_w(y_l, by, b_l);
y_l = __lasx_xvsra_w(y_l, sra);
y = __lasx_xvshuf_b(y_l, y_l, mask);
__lasx_xvstelm_d(y, (dst + i), 0, 0);
__lasx_xvstelm_d(y, (dst + i), 8, 2);
i += 8;
for (; i < width; i++) {
int g = src[0][i];
int b = src[1][i];
int r = src[2][i];
dst[i] = (tem_ry * r + tem_gy * g + tem_by * b + set) >> shift;
swscale: rename SwsContext to SwsInternal
And preserve the public SwsContext as separate name. The motivation here
is that I want to turn SwsContext into a public struct, while keeping the
internal implementation hidden. Additionally, I also want to be able to
use multiple internal implementations, e.g. for GPU devices.
This commit does not include any functional changes. For the most part, it is
a simple rename. The only complications arise from the public facing API
functions, which preserve their current type (and hence require an additional
unwrapping step internally), and the checkasm test framework, which directly
accesses SwsInternal.
For consistency, the affected functions that need to maintain a distionction
have generally been changed to refer to the SwsContext as *sws, and the
SwsInternal as *c.
In an upcoming commit, I will provide a backing definition for the public
SwsContext, and update `sws_internal()` to dereference the internal struct
instead of merely casting it.
Sponsored-by: Sovereign Tech Fund
Signed-off-by: Niklas Haas <git@haasn.dev>
5 months ago
av_cold void ff_sws_init_input_lasx(SwsInternal *c)
enum AVPixelFormat srcFormat = c->srcFormat;
switch (srcFormat) {
case AV_PIX_FMT_YUYV422:
c->chrToYV12 = yuy2ToUV_lasx;
case AV_PIX_FMT_YVYU422:
c->chrToYV12 = yvy2ToUV_lasx;
case AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422:
c->chrToYV12 = uyvyToUV_lasx;
case AV_PIX_FMT_NV12:
case AV_PIX_FMT_NV16:
case AV_PIX_FMT_NV24:
c->chrToYV12 = nv12ToUV_lasx;
case AV_PIX_FMT_NV21:
case AV_PIX_FMT_NV42:
c->chrToYV12 = nv21ToUV_lasx;
c->readChrPlanar = planar_rgb_to_uv_lasx;
if (c->needAlpha) {
switch (srcFormat) {
c->alpToYV12 = rgbaToA_lasx;
c->alpToYV12 = abgrToA_lasx;