* This file is part of Libav .
* Libav is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* Libav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with Libav ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA
* @ file
* Haivision Open SRT ( Secure Reliable Transport ) protocol
# include <srt/srt.h>
# include "libavutil/avassert.h"
# include "libavutil/opt.h"
# include "libavutil/parseutils.h"
# include "libavutil/time.h"
# include "avformat.h"
# include "internal.h"
# include "network.h"
# include "os_support.h"
# include "url.h"
/* This is for MPEG-TS and it's a default SRTO_PAYLOADSIZE for SRTT_LIVE (8 TS packets) */
# endif
/* This is the maximum payload size for Live mode, should you have a different payload type than MPEG-TS */
# endif
enum SRTMode {
} ;
typedef struct SRTContext {
const AVClass * class ;
int fd ;
int eid ;
int64_t rw_timeout ;
int64_t listen_timeout ;
int recv_buffer_size ;
int send_buffer_size ;
int64_t maxbw ;
int pbkeylen ;
char * passphrase ;
int mss ;
int ffs ;
int ipttl ;
int iptos ;
int64_t inputbw ;
int oheadbw ;
int64_t latency ;
int tlpktdrop ;
int nakreport ;
int64_t connect_timeout ;
int payload_size ;
int64_t rcvlatency ;
int64_t peerlatency ;
enum SRTMode mode ;
} SRTContext ;
# define OFFSET(x) offsetof(SRTContext, x)
static const AVOption libsrt_options [ ] = {
{ " rw_timeout " , " Timeout of socket I/O operations " , OFFSET ( rw_timeout ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " listen_timeout " , " Connection awaiting timeout " , OFFSET ( listen_timeout ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " send_buffer_size " , " Socket send buffer size (in bytes) " , OFFSET ( send_buffer_size ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " recv_buffer_size " , " Socket receive buffer size (in bytes) " , OFFSET ( recv_buffer_size ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " maxbw " , " Maximum bandwidth (bytes per second) that the connection can use " , OFFSET ( maxbw ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " pbkeylen " , " Crypto key len in bytes {16,24,32} Default: 16 (128-bit) " , OFFSET ( pbkeylen ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , 32 , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " passphrase " , " Crypto PBKDF2 Passphrase size[0,10..64] 0:disable crypto " , OFFSET ( passphrase ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING , { . str = NULL } , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " mss " , " The Maximum Segment Size " , OFFSET ( mss ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , 1500 , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " ffs " , " Flight flag size (window size) (in bytes) " , OFFSET ( ffs ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " ipttl " , " IP Time To Live " , OFFSET ( ipttl ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , 255 , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " iptos " , " IP Type of Service " , OFFSET ( iptos ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , 255 , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " inputbw " , " Estimated input stream rate " , OFFSET ( inputbw ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " oheadbw " , " MaxBW ceiling based on % over input stream rate " , OFFSET ( oheadbw ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , 100 , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " latency " , " receiver delay to absorb bursts of missed packet retransmissions " , OFFSET ( latency ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " tsbpddelay " , " deprecated, same effect as latency option " , OFFSET ( latency ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " rcvlatency " , " receive latency " , OFFSET ( rcvlatency ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " peerlatency " , " peer latency " , OFFSET ( peerlatency ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " tlpktdrop " , " Enable receiver pkt drop " , OFFSET ( tlpktdrop ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , 1 , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " nakreport " , " Enable receiver to send periodic NAK reports " , OFFSET ( nakreport ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , 1 , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " connect_timeout " , " Connect timeout. Caller default: 3000, rendezvous (x 10) " , OFFSET ( connect_timeout ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 , { . i64 = - 1 } , - 1 , INT64_MAX , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " payload size " , " maximum declared size of a packet transferred " , OFFSET ( payload_size ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = SRT_LIVE_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE } , - 1 , SRT_LIVE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE , . flags = D | E } ,
{ " ts_size " , NULL , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = SRT_LIVE_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE } , INT_MIN , INT_MAX , . flags = D | E , " payload_size " } ,
{ " max_size " , NULL , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = SRT_LIVE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE } , INT_MIN , INT_MAX , . flags = D | E , " payload_size " } ,
{ " mode " , " Connection mode (caller, listener, rendezvous) " , OFFSET ( mode ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = SRT_MODE_CALLER } , SRT_MODE_CALLER , SRT_MODE_RENDEZVOUS , . flags = D | E , " mode " } ,
{ " caller " , NULL , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = SRT_MODE_CALLER } , INT_MIN , INT_MAX , . flags = D | E , " mode " } ,
{ " listener " , NULL , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = SRT_MODE_LISTENER } , INT_MIN , INT_MAX , . flags = D | E , " mode " } ,
{ " rendezvous " , NULL , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = SRT_MODE_RENDEZVOUS } , INT_MIN , INT_MAX , . flags = D | E , " mode " } ,
{ NULL }
} ;
static int libsrt_neterrno ( URLContext * h )
int err = srt_getlasterror ( NULL ) ;
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_ERROR , " %s \n " , srt_getlasterror_str ( ) ) ;
if ( err = = SRT_EASYNCRCV )
return AVERROR ( EAGAIN ) ;
static int libsrt_socket_nonblock ( int socket , int enable )
int ret = srt_setsockopt ( socket , 0 , SRTO_SNDSYN , & enable , sizeof ( enable ) ) ;
if ( ret < 0 )
return ret ;
return srt_setsockopt ( socket , 0 , SRTO_RCVSYN , & enable , sizeof ( enable ) ) ;
static int libsrt_network_wait_fd ( URLContext * h , int eid , int fd , int write )
int ret , len = 1 ;
int modes = write ? SRT_EPOLL_OUT : SRT_EPOLL_IN ;
SRTSOCKET ready [ 1 ] ;
if ( srt_epoll_add_usock ( eid , fd , & modes ) < 0 )
return libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
if ( write ) {
ret = srt_epoll_wait ( eid , 0 , 0 , ready , & len , POLLING_TIME , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
} else {
ret = srt_epoll_wait ( eid , ready , & len , 0 , 0 , POLLING_TIME , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ret < 0 ) {
if ( srt_getlasterror ( NULL ) = = SRT_ETIMEOUT )
ret = AVERROR ( EAGAIN ) ;
ret = libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
} else {
ret = 0 ;
if ( srt_epoll_remove_usock ( eid , fd ) < 0 )
return libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
return ret ;
/* TODO de-duplicate code from ff_network_wait_fd_timeout() */
static int libsrt_network_wait_fd_timeout ( URLContext * h , int eid , int fd , int write , int64_t timeout , AVIOInterruptCB * int_cb )
int ret ;
int64_t wait_start = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
if ( ff_check_interrupt ( int_cb ) )
ret = libsrt_network_wait_fd ( h , eid , fd , write ) ;
if ( ret ! = AVERROR ( EAGAIN ) )
return ret ;
if ( timeout > 0 ) {
if ( ! wait_start )
wait_start = av_gettime_relative ( ) ;
else if ( av_gettime_relative ( ) - wait_start > timeout )
static int libsrt_listen ( int eid , int fd , const struct sockaddr * addr , socklen_t addrlen , URLContext * h , int timeout )
int ret ;
int reuse = 1 ;
if ( srt_setsockopt ( fd , SOL_SOCKET , SRTO_REUSEADDR , & reuse , sizeof ( reuse ) ) ) {
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_WARNING , " setsockopt(SRTO_REUSEADDR) failed \n " ) ;
ret = srt_bind ( fd , addr , addrlen ) ;
if ( ret )
return libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
ret = srt_listen ( fd , 1 ) ;
if ( ret )
return libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
while ( ( ret = libsrt_network_wait_fd_timeout ( h , eid , fd , 1 , timeout , & h - > interrupt_callback ) ) ) {
switch ( ret ) {
continue ;
default :
return ret ;
ret = srt_accept ( fd , NULL , NULL ) ;
if ( ret < 0 )
return libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
if ( libsrt_socket_nonblock ( ret , 1 ) < 0 )
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_DEBUG , " libsrt_socket_nonblock failed \n " ) ;
return ret ;
static int libsrt_listen_connect ( int eid , int fd , const struct sockaddr * addr , socklen_t addrlen , int timeout , URLContext * h , int will_try_next )
int ret ;
if ( libsrt_socket_nonblock ( fd , 1 ) < 0 )
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_DEBUG , " ff_socket_nonblock failed \n " ) ;
while ( ( ret = srt_connect ( fd , addr , addrlen ) ) ) {
ret = libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
switch ( ret ) {
case AVERROR ( EINTR ) :
if ( ff_check_interrupt ( & h - > interrupt_callback ) )
continue ;
ret = libsrt_network_wait_fd_timeout ( h , eid , fd , 1 , timeout , & h - > interrupt_callback ) ;
if ( ret < 0 )
return ret ;
ret = srt_getlasterror ( NULL ) ;
srt_clearlasterror ( ) ;
if ( ret ! = 0 ) {
char buf [ 128 ] ;
ret = AVERROR ( ret ) ;
av_strerror ( ret , buf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
if ( will_try_next )
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_WARNING ,
" Connection to %s failed (%s), trying next address \n " ,
h - > filename , buf ) ;
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_ERROR , " Connection to %s failed: %s \n " ,
h - > filename , buf ) ;
default :
return ret ;
return ret ;
static int libsrt_setsockopt ( URLContext * h , int fd , SRT_SOCKOPT optname , const char * optnamestr , const void * optval , int optlen )
if ( srt_setsockopt ( fd , 0 , optname , optval , optlen ) < 0 ) {
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_ERROR , " failed to set option %s on socket: %s \n " , optnamestr , srt_getlasterror_str ( ) ) ;
return AVERROR ( EIO ) ;
return 0 ;
/* - The "POST" options can be altered any time on a connected socket.
They MAY have also some meaning when set prior to connecting ; such
option is SRTO_RCVSYN , which makes connect / accept call asynchronous .
Because of that this option is treated special way in this app . */
static int libsrt_set_options_post ( URLContext * h , int fd )
SRTContext * s = h - > priv_data ;
if ( ( s - > inputbw > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_INPUTBW , " SRTO_INPUTBW " , & s - > inputbw , sizeof ( s - > inputbw ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > oheadbw > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_OHEADBW , " SRTO_OHEADBW " , & s - > oheadbw , sizeof ( s - > oheadbw ) ) < 0 ) ) {
return AVERROR ( EIO ) ;
return 0 ;
/* - The "PRE" options must be set prior to connecting and can't be altered
on a connected socket , however if set on a listening socket , they are
derived by accept - ed socket . */
static int libsrt_set_options_pre ( URLContext * h , int fd )
SRTContext * s = h - > priv_data ;
int yes = 1 ;
int latency = s - > latency / 1000 ;
int rcvlatency = s - > rcvlatency / 1000 ;
int peerlatency = s - > peerlatency / 1000 ;
int connect_timeout = s - > connect_timeout ;
if ( ( s - > mode = = SRT_MODE_RENDEZVOUS & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_RENDEZVOUS , " SRTO_RENDEZVOUS " , & yes , sizeof ( yes ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > maxbw > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_MAXBW , " SRTO_MAXBW " , & s - > maxbw , sizeof ( s - > maxbw ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > pbkeylen > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_PBKEYLEN , " SRTO_PBKEYLEN " , & s - > pbkeylen , sizeof ( s - > pbkeylen ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > passphrase & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_PASSPHRASE , " SRTO_PASSPHRASE " , s - > passphrase , strlen ( s - > passphrase ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > mss > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_MSS , " SRTO_MMS " , & s - > mss , sizeof ( s - > mss ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > ffs > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_FC , " SRTO_FC " , & s - > ffs , sizeof ( s - > ffs ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > ipttl > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_IPTTL , " SRTO_UPTTL " , & s - > ipttl , sizeof ( s - > ipttl ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > iptos > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_IPTOS , " SRTO_IPTOS " , & s - > iptos , sizeof ( s - > iptos ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > latency > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_LATENCY , " SRTO_LATENCY " , & latency , sizeof ( latency ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > rcvlatency > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_RCVLATENCY , " SRTO_RCVLATENCY " , & rcvlatency , sizeof ( rcvlatency ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > peerlatency > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_PEERLATENCY , " SRTO_PEERLATENCY " , & peerlatency , sizeof ( peerlatency ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > tlpktdrop > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_TLPKTDROP , " SRTO_TLPKDROP " , & s - > tlpktdrop , sizeof ( s - > tlpktdrop ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > nakreport > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_NAKREPORT , " SRTO_NAKREPORT " , & s - > nakreport , sizeof ( s - > nakreport ) ) < 0 ) | |
( connect_timeout > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_CONNTIMEO , " SRTO_CONNTIMEO " , & connect_timeout , sizeof ( connect_timeout ) ) < 0 ) | |
( s - > payload_size > = 0 & & libsrt_setsockopt ( h , fd , SRTO_PAYLOADSIZE , " SRTO_PAYLOADSIZE " , & s - > payload_size , sizeof ( s - > payload_size ) ) < 0 ) ) {
return AVERROR ( EIO ) ;
return 0 ;
static int libsrt_setup ( URLContext * h , const char * uri , int flags )
struct addrinfo hints = { 0 } , * ai , * cur_ai ;
int port , fd = - 1 ;
SRTContext * s = h - > priv_data ;
const char * p ;
char buf [ 256 ] ;
int ret ;
char hostname [ 1024 ] , proto [ 1024 ] , path [ 1024 ] ;
char portstr [ 10 ] ;
int open_timeout = 5000000 ;
int eid ;
eid = srt_epoll_create ( ) ;
if ( eid < 0 )
return libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
s - > eid = eid ;
av_url_split ( proto , sizeof ( proto ) , NULL , 0 , hostname , sizeof ( hostname ) ,
& port , path , sizeof ( path ) , uri ) ;
if ( strcmp ( proto , " srt " ) )
return AVERROR ( EINVAL ) ;
if ( port < = 0 | | port > = 65536 ) {
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_ERROR , " Port missing in uri \n " ) ;
return AVERROR ( EINVAL ) ;
p = strchr ( uri , ' ? ' ) ;
if ( p ) {
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " timeout " , p ) ) {
s - > rw_timeout = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " listen_timeout " , p ) ) {
s - > listen_timeout = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( s - > rw_timeout > = 0 ) {
open_timeout = h - > rw_timeout = s - > rw_timeout ;
hints . ai_family = AF_UNSPEC ;
hints . ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM ;
snprintf ( portstr , sizeof ( portstr ) , " %d " , port ) ;
if ( s - > mode = = SRT_MODE_LISTENER )
hints . ai_flags | = AI_PASSIVE ;
ret = getaddrinfo ( hostname [ 0 ] ? hostname : NULL , portstr , & hints , & ai ) ;
if ( ret ) {
av_log ( h , AV_LOG_ERROR ,
" Failed to resolve hostname %s: %s \n " ,
hostname , gai_strerror ( ret ) ) ;
return AVERROR ( EIO ) ;
cur_ai = ai ;
restart :
fd = srt_socket ( cur_ai - > ai_family , cur_ai - > ai_socktype , 0 ) ;
if ( fd < 0 ) {
ret = libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
goto fail ;
if ( ( ret = libsrt_set_options_pre ( h , fd ) ) < 0 ) {
goto fail ;
/* Set the socket's send or receive buffer sizes, if specified.
If unspecified or setting fails , system default is used . */
if ( s - > recv_buffer_size > 0 ) {
srt_setsockopt ( fd , SOL_SOCKET , SRTO_UDP_RCVBUF , & s - > recv_buffer_size , sizeof ( s - > recv_buffer_size ) ) ;
if ( s - > send_buffer_size > 0 ) {
srt_setsockopt ( fd , SOL_SOCKET , SRTO_UDP_SNDBUF , & s - > send_buffer_size , sizeof ( s - > send_buffer_size ) ) ;
if ( s - > mode = = SRT_MODE_LISTENER ) {
// multi-client
if ( ( ret = libsrt_listen ( s - > eid , fd , cur_ai - > ai_addr , cur_ai - > ai_addrlen , h , open_timeout / 1000 ) ) < 0 )
goto fail1 ;
fd = ret ;
} else {
if ( s - > mode = = SRT_MODE_RENDEZVOUS ) {
ret = srt_bind ( fd , cur_ai - > ai_addr , cur_ai - > ai_addrlen ) ;
if ( ret )
goto fail1 ;
if ( ( ret = libsrt_listen_connect ( s - > eid , fd , cur_ai - > ai_addr , cur_ai - > ai_addrlen ,
open_timeout / 1000 , h , ! ! cur_ai - > ai_next ) ) < 0 ) {
if ( ret = = AVERROR_EXIT )
goto fail1 ;
goto fail ;
if ( ( ret = libsrt_set_options_post ( h , fd ) ) < 0 ) {
goto fail ;
h - > is_streamed = 1 ;
s - > fd = fd ;
freeaddrinfo ( ai ) ;
return 0 ;
fail :
if ( cur_ai - > ai_next ) {
/* Retry with the next sockaddr */
cur_ai = cur_ai - > ai_next ;
if ( fd > = 0 )
srt_close ( fd ) ;
ret = 0 ;
goto restart ;
fail1 :
if ( fd > = 0 )
srt_close ( fd ) ;
freeaddrinfo ( ai ) ;
return ret ;
static int libsrt_open ( URLContext * h , const char * uri , int flags )
SRTContext * s = h - > priv_data ;
const char * p ;
char buf [ 256 ] ;
if ( srt_startup ( ) < 0 ) {
/* SRT options (srt/srt.h) */
p = strchr ( uri , ' ? ' ) ;
if ( p ) {
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " maxbw " , p ) ) {
s - > maxbw = strtoll ( buf , NULL , 0 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " pbkeylen " , p ) ) {
s - > pbkeylen = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " passphrase " , p ) ) {
s - > passphrase = av_strndup ( buf , strlen ( buf ) ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " mss " , p ) ) {
s - > mss = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " ffs " , p ) ) {
s - > ffs = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " ipttl " , p ) ) {
s - > ipttl = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " iptos " , p ) ) {
s - > iptos = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " inputbw " , p ) ) {
s - > inputbw = strtoll ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " oheadbw " , p ) ) {
s - > oheadbw = strtoll ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " latency " , p ) ) {
s - > latency = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " tsbpddelay " , p ) ) {
s - > latency = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " rcvlatency " , p ) ) {
s - > rcvlatency = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " peerlatency " , p ) ) {
s - > peerlatency = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " tlpktdrop " , p ) ) {
s - > tlpktdrop = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " nakreport " , p ) ) {
s - > nakreport = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " connect_timeout " , p ) ) {
s - > connect_timeout = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " payload_size " , p ) ) {
s - > payload_size = strtol ( buf , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( av_find_info_tag ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " mode " , p ) ) {
if ( ! strcmp ( buf , " caller " ) ) {
s - > mode = SRT_MODE_CALLER ;
} else if ( ! strcmp ( buf , " listener " ) ) {
s - > mode = SRT_MODE_LISTENER ;
} else if ( ! strcmp ( buf , " rendezvous " ) ) {
s - > mode = SRT_MODE_RENDEZVOUS ;
} else {
return AVERROR ( EIO ) ;
h - > max_packet_size = s - > payload_size > 0 ? s - > payload_size : SRT_LIVE_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE ;
return libsrt_setup ( h , uri , flags ) ;
static int libsrt_read ( URLContext * h , uint8_t * buf , int size )
SRTContext * s = h - > priv_data ;
int ret ;
if ( ! ( h - > flags & AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK ) ) {
ret = libsrt_network_wait_fd_timeout ( h , s - > eid , s - > fd , 0 , h - > rw_timeout , & h - > interrupt_callback ) ;
if ( ret )
return ret ;
ret = srt_recvmsg ( s - > fd , buf , size ) ;
if ( ret < 0 ) {
ret = libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
return ret ;
static int libsrt_write ( URLContext * h , const uint8_t * buf , int size )
SRTContext * s = h - > priv_data ;
int ret ;
if ( ! ( h - > flags & AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK ) ) {
ret = libsrt_network_wait_fd_timeout ( h , s - > eid , s - > fd , 1 , h - > rw_timeout , & h - > interrupt_callback ) ;
if ( ret )
return ret ;
ret = srt_sendmsg ( s - > fd , buf , size , - 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( ret < 0 ) {
ret = libsrt_neterrno ( h ) ;
return ret ;
static int libsrt_close ( URLContext * h )
SRTContext * s = h - > priv_data ;
srt_close ( s - > fd ) ;
srt_epoll_release ( s - > eid ) ;
srt_cleanup ( ) ;
return 0 ;
static int libsrt_get_file_handle ( URLContext * h )
SRTContext * s = h - > priv_data ;
return s - > fd ;
static const AVClass libsrt_class = {
. class_name = " libsrt " ,
. item_name = av_default_item_name ,
. option = libsrt_options ,
} ;
const URLProtocol ff_libsrt_protocol = {
. name = " srt " ,
. url_open = libsrt_open ,
. url_read = libsrt_read ,
. url_write = libsrt_write ,
. url_close = libsrt_close ,
. url_get_file_handle = libsrt_get_file_handle ,
. priv_data_size = sizeof ( SRTContext ) ,
. priv_data_class = & libsrt_class ,
} ;