FATE_TRUEMOTION1 += fate-truemotion1-15
fate-truemotion1-15: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/duck/phant2-940.duk -pix_fmt rgb24 -an
FATE_TRUEMOTION1 += fate-truemotion1-24
fate-truemotion1-24: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/duck/sonic3dblast_intro-partial.avi -pix_fmt rgb24 -an
fate-truemotion1: $(FATE_TRUEMOTION1)
FATE_SAMPLES_AVCONV-$(call DEMDEC, AVI, TRUEMOTION2) += fate-truemotion2
fate-truemotion2: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/duck/tm20.avi
FATE_TRUEMOTION2RT += fate-truemotion2rt-low
fate-truemotion2rt-low: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/duck/tr20_low.avi -an
FATE_TRUEMOTION2RT += fate-truemotion2rt-mid
fate-truemotion2rt-mid: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/duck/tr20_mid.avi -an
FATE_TRUEMOTION2RT += fate-truemotion2rt-high
fate-truemotion2rt-high: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/duck/tr20_high.avi -an
fate-truemotion2rt: $(FATE_TRUEMOTION2RT)
FATE_VP3-$(call DEMDEC, MATROSKA, THEORA) += fate-theora-coeff-level64
fate-theora-coeff-level64: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp3/coeff_level64.mkv
FATE_VP3-$(call DEMDEC, OGG, THEORA) += fate-theora-offset
fate-theora-offset: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp3/offset_test.ogv
FATE_VP3-$(call DEMDEC, AVI, VP3) += fate-vp31
fate-vp31: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp3/vp31.avi
fate-vp3: $(FATE_VP3-yes)
FATE_SAMPLES_AVCONV-$(call DEMDEC, AVI, VP4) += fate-vp4
fate-vp4: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp4/KTkvw8dg1J8.avi
FATE_SAMPLES_AVCONV-$(call DEMDEC, AVI, VP5) += fate-vp5
fate-vp5: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp5/potter512-400-partial.avi -an
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, EA, VP6) += fate-vp60
fate-vp60: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/ea-vp6/g36.vp6
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, EA, VP6) += fate-vp61
fate-vp61: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/ea-vp6/MovieSkirmishGondor.vp6 -t 4
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, MOV, VP6A) += fate-vp6a
fate-vp6a: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/flash-vp6/300x180-Scr-f8-056alpha.mov
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, MOV, VP6A) += fate-vp6a-skip_alpha
fate-vp6a-skip_alpha: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -skip_alpha 1 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/flash-vp6/300x180-Scr-f8-056alpha.mov
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, FLV, VP6F) += fate-vp6f
fate-vp6f: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/flash-vp6/clip1024.flv
fate-vp8-alpha: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8_alpha/vp8_video_with_alpha.webm -c:v copy
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST_DEMUXER) += fate-webm-dash-manifest
fate-webm-dash-manifest: CMD = run $(FFMPEG) -nostdin -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video2.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_audio1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_audio2.webm -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -map 2 -map 3 -f webm_dash_manifest -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1 id=1,streams=2,3" -
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST_DEMUXER) += fate-webm-dash-manifest-unaligned-video-streams
fate-webm-dash-manifest-unaligned-video-streams: CMD = run $(FFMPEG) -nostdin -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video3.webm -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -f webm_dash_manifest -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1" -
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST_DEMUXER) += fate-webm-dash-manifest-unaligned-audio-streams
fate-webm-dash-manifest-unaligned-audio-streams: CMD = run $(FFMPEG) -nostdin -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_audio1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_audio3.webm -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -f webm_dash_manifest -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1" -
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST_DEMUXER) += fate-webm-dash-manifest-representations
fate-webm-dash-manifest-representations: CMD = run $(FFMPEG) -nostdin -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video4.webm -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -f webm_dash_manifest -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1" -
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST_DEMUXER) += fate-webm-dash-manifest-live
fate-webm-dash-manifest-live: CMD = run $(FFMPEG) -nostdin -f webm_dash_manifest -live 1 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_live_video_360.hdr -f webm_dash_manifest -live 1 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_live_audio_171.hdr -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -f webm_dash_manifest -live 1 -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0 id=1,streams=1" -chunk_start_index 1 -chunk_duration_ms 5000 -time_shift_buffer_depth 7200 -minimum_update_period 60 -debug_mode 1 -
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST_DEMUXER) += fate-webm-dash-manifest-live-bandwidth
fate-webm-dash-manifest-live-bandwidth: CMD = run $(FFMPEG) -nostdin -f webm_dash_manifest -live 1 -bandwidth 100 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_live_video_360.hdr -f webm_dash_manifest -live 1 -bandwidth 200 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_live_audio_171.hdr -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -f webm_dash_manifest -live 1 -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0 id=1,streams=1" -chunk_start_index 1 -chunk_duration_ms 5000 -time_shift_buffer_depth 7200 -minimum_update_period 60 -debug_mode 1 -
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, MATROSKA, VP8) += fate-vp8-2451
fate-vp8-2451: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/RRSF49-short.webm -vsync cfr -an
fate-vp6: $(FATE_VP6-yes)
FATE_SAMPLES_AVCONV-$(call DEMDEC, AVI, VP7) += fate-vp7
fate-vp7: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp7/potter-40.vp7 -frames 30 -an
VP8_SUITE = 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, IVF, VP8) += fate-vp8-test-vector$(2)-$(1)
fate-vp8-test-vector$(2)-$(1): CMD = framemd5 $(3) -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8-test-vectors-r1/vp80-00-comprehensive-$(1).ivf
fate-vp8-test-vector$(2)-$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp8-test-vector-$(1)
define FATE_VP8_FULL
$(foreach N,$(VP8_SUITE),$(eval $(call FATE_VP8_SUITE,$(N),$(1),$(2))))
rawenc: switch to encode2().
This changes a number of FATE results, since before this commit, the
timestamps in all tests using rawenc were made up by lavf.
In most cases, the previous timestamps were completely bogus.
In some other cases -- raw formats, mostly h264 -- the new timestamps
are bogus as well. The only difference is that timestamps invented by
the muxer are replaced by timestamps invented by the demuxer.
cscd -- avconv sets output codec timebase from r_frame_rate
and r_frame_rate is in this case some guessed number 31.42 (377/12),
which is not accurate enough to represent all timestamps. This results
in some frames having duplicate pts. Therefore, vsync 0 needs to be
changed to vsync 2 and avconv drops two frames. A proper fix in the
future would be to set output timebase to something saner in avconv.
nuv -- previous timestamps for video were wrong AND the cscd
comment applies, one frame is dropped.
vp8-signbias -- the file contains two frames with identical timestamps,
so -vsync 0 needs to be removed/changed to -vsync 2 and avconv drops one
vc1-ism -- apparrently either the demuxer lies about timestamps or the
file is broken, since dts == pts on all packets, but reordering clearly
takes place.
13 years ago
# FIXME this file contains two frames with identical timestamps,
# so ffmpeg drops one of them
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, IVF, VP8) += fate-vp8-sign-bias$(1)
fate-vp8-sign-bias$(1): CMD = framemd5 $(2) -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/sintel-signbias.ivf
fate-vp8-sign-bias$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp8-sign-bias
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, MATROSKA, VP8) += fate-vp8-size-change$(1)
fate-vp8-size-change$(1): CMD = framemd5 $(2) -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/frame_size_change.webm -frames:v 30 -sws_flags bitexact+bilinear
fate-vp8-size-change$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp8-size-change
$(eval $(call FATE_VP8_FULL))
fate-vp8: $(FATE_VP8-yes)
FATE_VP9-$(CONFIG_MATROSKA_DEMUXER) += fate-vp9$(2)-$(1)
fate-vp9$(2)-$(1): CMD = framemd5 $(3) -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp9-test-vectors/vp90-2-$(1).webm
fate-vp9$(2)-$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp9-$(1)
FATE_VP9-$(CONFIG_MATROSKA_DEMUXER) += fate-vp9p$(2)-$(1)
fate-vp9p$(2)-$(1): CMD = framemd5 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp9-test-vectors/vp9$(2)-2-$(1).webm $(3)
fate-vp9p$(2)-$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp9p$(2)-$(1)
VP9_Q = 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 \
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 \
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 \
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
VP9_SHARP = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
VP9_SIZE_A = 08 10 16 18 32 34 64 66
VP9_SIZE_B = 196 198 200 202 208 210 224 226
VP9_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLE = 422 440 444
define FATE_VP9_FULL
$(foreach Q,$(VP9_Q),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,00-quantizer-$(Q))))
$(foreach SHARP,$(VP9_SHARP),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,01-sharpness-$(SHARP))))
$(foreach W,$(VP9_SIZE_A),$(eval $(foreach H,$(VP9_SIZE_A),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,02-size-$(W)x$(H))))))
$(foreach W,$(VP9_SIZE_B),$(eval $(foreach H,$(VP9_SIZE_B),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,03-size-$(W)x$(H))))))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,03-deltaq))
$(foreach SS,$(VP9_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLE),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_PROFILE_SUITE,04-yuv$(SS),1,)))
$(foreach BD,$(VP9_HIGH_BITDEPTH),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_PROFILE_SUITE,20-$(BD)bit-yuv420,2,-pix_fmt yuv420p$(BD)le)))
$(foreach BD,$(VP9_HIGH_BITDEPTH),$(eval $(foreach SS,$(VP9_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLE),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_PROFILE_SUITE,20-$(BD)bit-yuv$(SS),3,-pix_fmt yuv$(SS)p$(BD)le)))))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,06-bilinear))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,09-lf_deltas))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,10-show-existing-frame))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,10-show-existing-frame2))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,15-segkey_adpq))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,16-intra-only))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,2pass-akiyo))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,parallelmode-akiyo))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,segmentation-aq-akiyo))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,segmentation-sf-akiyo))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,tiling-pedestrian))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,trac3849))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,trac4359))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_FULL))
FATE_VP9-$(CONFIG_IVF_DEMUXER) += fate-vp9-05-resize
fate-vp9-05-resize: CMD = framemd5 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp9-test-vectors/vp90-2-05-resize.ivf -s 352x288 -sws_flags bitexact+bilinear
fate-vp9-05-resize: REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp9-05-resize
fate-vp9: $(FATE_VP9-yes)