* FITS image decoder
* Copyright ( c ) 2017 Paras Chadha
* This file is part of FFmpeg .
* FFmpeg is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA
* @ file
* FITS image decoder
* Specification : https : //fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_standard.html Version 3.0
* Support all 2 d images alongwith , bzero , bscale and blank keywords .
* RGBA images are supported as NAXIS3 = 3 or 4 i . e . Planes in RGBA order . Also CTYPE = ' RGB ' should be present .
* Also to interpret data , values are linearly scaled using min - max scaling but not RGB images .
# include "avcodec.h"
# include "codec_internal.h"
# include "internal.h"
# include <float.h>
# include "libavutil/intreadwrite.h"
# include "libavutil/intfloat.h"
# include "libavutil/dict.h"
# include "libavutil/opt.h"
# include "fits.h"
typedef struct FITSContext {
const AVClass * class ;
int blank_val ;
} FITSContext ;
* Calculate the data_min and data_max values from the data .
* This is called if the values are not present in the header .
* @ param ptr8 pointer to the data
* @ param header pointer to the header
* @ param end pointer to end of packet
* @ return 0 if calculated successfully otherwise AVERROR_INVALIDDATA
static int fill_data_min_max ( const uint8_t * ptr8 , FITSHeader * header , const uint8_t * end )
uint8_t t8 ;
int16_t t16 ;
int32_t t32 ;
int64_t t64 ;
float tflt ;
double tdbl ;
int i , j ;
header - > data_min = DBL_MAX ;
header - > data_max = - DBL_MAX ;
switch ( header - > bitpix ) {
# define CASE_N(a, t, rd) \
case a : \
for ( i = 0 ; i < header - > naxisn [ 1 ] ; i + + ) { \
for ( j = 0 ; j < header - > naxisn [ 0 ] ; j + + ) { \
t = rd ; \
if ( ! header - > blank_found | | t ! = header - > blank ) { \
if ( t > header - > data_max ) \
header - > data_max = t ; \
if ( t < header - > data_min ) \
header - > data_min = t ; \
} \
ptr8 + = abs ( a ) > > 3 ; \
} \
} \
CASE_N ( - 64 , tdbl , av_int2double ( AV_RB64 ( ptr8 ) ) ) ;
CASE_N ( - 32 , tflt , av_int2float ( AV_RB32 ( ptr8 ) ) ) ;
CASE_N ( 8 , t8 , ptr8 [ 0 ] ) ;
CASE_N ( 16 , t16 , AV_RB16 ( ptr8 ) ) ;
CASE_N ( 32 , t32 , AV_RB32 ( ptr8 ) ) ;
CASE_N ( 64 , t64 , AV_RB64 ( ptr8 ) ) ;
default :
return 0 ;
* Read the fits header and store the values in FITSHeader pointed by header
* @ param avctx AVCodec context
* @ param ptr pointer to pointer to the data
* @ param header pointer to the FITSHeader
* @ param end pointer to end of packet
* @ param metadata pointer to pointer to AVDictionary to store metadata
* @ return 0 if calculated successfully otherwise AVERROR_INVALIDDATA
static int fits_read_header ( AVCodecContext * avctx , const uint8_t * * ptr , FITSHeader * header ,
const uint8_t * end , AVDictionary * * metadata )
const uint8_t * ptr8 = * ptr ;
int lines_read , bytes_left , i , ret ;
size_t size ;
lines_read = 1 ; // to account for first header line, SIMPLE or XTENSION which is not included in packet...
avpriv_fits_header_init ( header , STATE_BITPIX ) ;
do {
if ( end - ptr8 < 80 )
ret = avpriv_fits_header_parse_line ( avctx , header , ptr8 , & metadata ) ;
ptr8 + = 80 ;
lines_read + + ;
} while ( ! ret ) ;
if ( ret < 0 )
return ret ;
bytes_left = ( ( ( lines_read + 35 ) / 36 ) * 36 - lines_read ) * 80 ;
if ( end - ptr8 < bytes_left )
ptr8 + = bytes_left ;
if ( header - > rgb & & ( header - > naxis ! = 3 | | ( header - > naxisn [ 2 ] ! = 3 & & header - > naxisn [ 2 ] ! = 4 ) ) ) {
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " File contains RGB image but NAXIS = %d and NAXIS3 = %d \n " , header - > naxis , header - > naxisn [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( ! header - > rgb & & header - > naxis ! = 2 ) {
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " unsupported number of dimensions, NAXIS = %d \n " , header - > naxis ) ;
if ( header - > blank_found & & ( header - > bitpix = = - 32 | | header - > bitpix = = - 64 ) ) {
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_WARNING , " BLANK keyword found but BITPIX = %d \n . Ignoring BLANK " , header - > bitpix ) ;
header - > blank_found = 0 ;
size = abs ( header - > bitpix ) > > 3 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < header - > naxis ; i + + ) {
if ( size = = 0 | | header - > naxisn [ i ] > SIZE_MAX / size ) {
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " unsupported size of FITS image " ) ;
size * = header - > naxisn [ i ] ;
if ( end - ptr8 < size )
* ptr = ptr8 ;
if ( ! header - > rgb & & ( ! header - > data_min_found | | ! header - > data_max_found ) ) {
ret = fill_data_min_max ( ptr8 , header , end ) ;
if ( ret < 0 ) {
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " invalid BITPIX, %d \n " , header - > bitpix ) ;
return ret ;
} else {
* instead of applying bscale and bzero to every element ,
* we can do inverse transformation on data_min and data_max
header - > data_min = ( header - > data_min - header - > bzero ) / header - > bscale ;
header - > data_max = ( header - > data_max - header - > bzero ) / header - > bscale ;
if ( ! header - > rgb & & header - > data_min > = header - > data_max ) {
if ( header - > data_min > header - > data_max ) {
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " data min/max (%g %g) is invalid \n " , header - > data_min , header - > data_max ) ;
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_WARNING , " data min/max indicates a blank image \n " ) ;
header - > data_max + + ;
return 0 ;
static int fits_decode_frame ( AVCodecContext * avctx , void * data , int * got_frame , AVPacket * avpkt )
AVFrame * p = data ;
const uint8_t * ptr8 = avpkt - > data , * end ;
uint8_t t8 ;
int16_t t16 ;
int32_t t32 ;
int64_t t64 ;
float tflt ;
double tdbl ;
int ret , i , j , k ;
const int map [ ] = { 2 , 0 , 1 , 3 } ; // mapping from GBRA -> RGBA as RGBA is to be stored in FITS file..
uint8_t * dst8 ;
uint16_t * dst16 ;
uint64_t t ;
FITSHeader header ;
FITSContext * fitsctx = avctx - > priv_data ;
end = ptr8 + avpkt - > size ;
p - > metadata = NULL ;
ret = fits_read_header ( avctx , & ptr8 , & header , end , & p - > metadata ) ;
if ( ret < 0 )
return ret ;
if ( header . rgb ) {
if ( header . bitpix = = 8 ) {
if ( header . naxisn [ 2 ] = = 3 ) {
avctx - > pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP ;
} else {
avctx - > pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP ;
} else if ( header . bitpix = = 16 ) {
if ( header . naxisn [ 2 ] = = 3 ) {
avctx - > pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP16 ;
} else {
avctx - > pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP16 ;
} else {
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " unsupported BITPIX = %d \n " , header . bitpix ) ;
} else {
if ( header . bitpix = = 8 ) {
avctx - > pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8 ;
} else {
avctx - > pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY16 ;
if ( ( ret = ff_set_dimensions ( avctx , header . naxisn [ 0 ] , header . naxisn [ 1 ] ) ) < 0 )
return ret ;
if ( ( ret = ff_get_buffer ( avctx , p , 0 ) ) < 0 )
return ret ;
* FITS stores images with bottom row first . Therefore we have
* to fill the image from bottom to top .
if ( header . rgb ) {
switch ( header . bitpix ) {
# define CASE_RGB(cas, dst, type, dref) \
case cas : \
for ( k = 0 ; k < header . naxisn [ 2 ] ; k + + ) { \
for ( i = 0 ; i < avctx - > height ; i + + ) { \
dst = ( type * ) ( p - > data [ map [ k ] ] + ( avctx - > height - i - 1 ) * p - > linesize [ map [ k ] ] ) ; \
for ( j = 0 ; j < avctx - > width ; j + + ) { \
t32 = dref ( ptr8 ) ; \
if ( ! header . blank_found | | t32 ! = header . blank ) { \
t = t32 * header . bscale + header . bzero ; \
} else { \
t = fitsctx - > blank_val ; \
} \
* dst + + = ( type ) t ; \
ptr8 + = cas > > 3 ; \
} \
} \
} \
CASE_RGB ( 8 , dst8 , uint8_t , * ) ;
CASE_RGB ( 16 , dst16 , uint16_t , AV_RB16 ) ;
} else {
double scale = header . data_max - header . data_min ;
if ( scale < = 0 | | ! isfinite ( scale ) ) {
scale = 1 ;
scale = 1 / scale ;
switch ( header . bitpix ) {
# define CASE_GRAY(cas, dst, type, t, rd) \
case cas : \
for ( i = 0 ; i < avctx - > height ; i + + ) { \
dst = ( type * ) ( p - > data [ 0 ] + ( avctx - > height - i - 1 ) * p - > linesize [ 0 ] ) ; \
for ( j = 0 ; j < avctx - > width ; j + + ) { \
t = rd ; \
if ( ! header . blank_found | | t ! = header . blank ) { \
* dst + + = lrint ( ( ( t - header . data_min ) * ( ( 1 < < ( sizeof ( type ) * 8 ) ) - 1 ) ) * scale ) ; \
} else { \
* dst + + = fitsctx - > blank_val ; \
} \
ptr8 + = abs ( cas ) > > 3 ; \
} \
} \
CASE_GRAY ( - 64 , dst16 , uint16_t , tdbl , av_int2double ( AV_RB64 ( ptr8 ) ) ) ;
CASE_GRAY ( - 32 , dst16 , uint16_t , tflt , av_int2float ( AV_RB32 ( ptr8 ) ) ) ;
CASE_GRAY ( 8 , dst8 , uint8_t , t8 , ptr8 [ 0 ] ) ;
CASE_GRAY ( 16 , dst16 , uint16_t , t16 , AV_RB16 ( ptr8 ) ) ;
CASE_GRAY ( 32 , dst16 , uint16_t , t32 , AV_RB32 ( ptr8 ) ) ;
CASE_GRAY ( 64 , dst16 , uint16_t , t64 , AV_RB64 ( ptr8 ) ) ;
default :
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " invalid BITPIX, %d \n " , header . bitpix ) ;
p - > key_frame = 1 ;
p - > pict_type = AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I ;
* got_frame = 1 ;
return avpkt - > size ;
static const AVOption fits_options [ ] = {
{ " blank_value " , " value that is used to replace BLANK pixels in data array " , offsetof ( FITSContext , blank_val ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = 0 } , 0 , 65535 , AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM | AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM } ,
{ NULL } ,
} ;
static const AVClass fits_decoder_class = {
. class_name = " FITS decoder " ,
. item_name = av_default_item_name ,
. option = fits_options ,
} ;
const FFCodec ff_fits_decoder = {
. p . name = " fits " ,
. p . type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ,
. p . id = AV_CODEC_ID_FITS ,
. p . capabilities = AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1 ,
. p . long_name = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL ( " Flexible Image Transport System " ) ,
. p . priv_class = & fits_decoder_class ,
. priv_data_size = sizeof ( FITSContext ) ,
. decode = fits_decode_frame ,
} ;